Year: 2023

Learning with Whaea Terry ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿซ

Kia Ora Bloggers,

These last 3 days we had a reliever because our normal teacher had some issues with health (As in she was sick nothing else). During the 3 days with Whaea Terry we did different sorts of AI. We had about 4 differnet types of AI that we did with Whaea Terry. The 4 things were Turing tumble, Craiyon, Coding a dog and last but not least Moral machine.

Turing tumble:

For the Turing tumble we had to read the instructions in the book, in the book there was a objective and we had to do the objective. The way we had to complete the objective was by getting the pieces and getting all the blue balls and only the blue balls, and some other objective. The challenging part about that was we only had a limted of pieces we had to use up.

Here is a photo:


The reason why we did this was for SLJ (Summer learning journey) and we had to put in a description of what we want and then it will pop up.

Here is the link: Craiyon

Code a dog ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ๐Ÿถ:

The last 3 days Whaea Terry brang her dog. While her and her dog was here we coded them, the way we coded them was telling them to do something and then giving them a treat.

Moral Machine:

For Moral machine there was different scenarios and we had ot pick one. The scenarios were either to kill some people by swerving or kill the other people by going straight, the reason why we did this was because people are creating self-driving cars.

Here is the link : Moral Machine

Thank you for reading my blog.


Kick start ๐Ÿšฆ๐Ÿ

Fakalofa lahi atu Bloggers,

Today for Cybersmart, we talked about the summer learning journey. The summer learning journey is a program for children to do if they are bored during the holidays. Today activity was called “Kick start”ย  the topic for todays lesson was superheros. The app we went on to find our superhero was Craiyon and was a AI image generator.

Here is my superhero, andย  the infromation will be at the bottom or on the picture.

Thank you for reading my blog.


Creative Writing โœ ๐ŸŒฒ

Konnichuwa Bloggers,

Today for literacy we had to do creative writing.

What I enjoyed:

I enjoyed making up this story and the characters.

What I found difficult:

Something I found difficult is making up the storyline because we only had an amount of time.

Here is my Creative writing:

โ€œWhat, no you canโ€™t leaveโ€ Jill said to Jack. โ€œ Who knows what’s out there โ€œ, โ€œ You’ll be fine โ€œ Jack then said to Jill. Jack was going out by himself to get some water, Jill was very angry with him because she didn’t want him to leave her. While Jack was gone she was getting quite bored and he was taking very long to come back. So she decided to go out and find him, the moment she left a few minutes later Jack returned, โ€œ Oh, Jill Iโ€™m back with some water. Jill! Jill! โ€œ Jack was now talking to himself, Jack was repeating Jill’s name over and over again until he realized that she was gone. Jack was wondering where she could go to get some more water, or going outside to play and he even thought if someone had kidnapped her, well regardless of whatever he thought he was going to go out and find immediately.ย 


Soon it was dark and Jill went home to check if Jack was there, but he was out. They both were constantly going home and then going somewhere else until Jack heard a girl singing. He thought it was Jill so he ran in the direction shouting out โ€œ JILL! JILL! JIIL? โ€œ He was shouting out her name very happily until he actually came upon the destination and it was a girl outside a cot. He then asked her if she had seen a girl with blonde hair,blue eyes and looks Maori, but she just sang louder. The girl then stopped for a moment and looked at Jack she then said โ€œ Hello there mate what ya doin out here its very dark, oh sorry did I forget to introduce myself well my name is Sarah and I saw a little girl from your description that was shouting out Jackย  and then she disappearedโ€ Jack was in shock he then asked the lovely little girl โ€œ Are you british and if you are might I ask what are you doing out here in the forest ? โ€œ. Sarah then said โ€œ Yeah, I am mate and I actually am looking for a very powerful light that’s the only reason why I am here and because I wanted a camping experience but then I came upon this cot which is really niceโ€ Jack then replied โ€œ Well if your doing nothing can you at least help me find my sister?โ€ โ€œ No I have things to do and I need a bottle of water so noโ€ย  Jack replied โ€œ Please I have tons of water, pretty please please from the bottom of my heart with a cherry on topโ€ โ€œ Fine then, only because I want a bottle of water โ€œ. Off they were on an enormous most gigantic owl and rode on it, so it would be faster to look for Jill.ย 


Jill on the other had found the light that Sarah had been looking for she then found a trail of wet soil leading to somewhere she didn’t quite know where it lead to so she kept following hoping just hoping that it would lead to Jack but it didn’t it came upon a rabbit and it turns out that the wet soil was the rabbits pee. The light then shone really really really bright that Sarah and Jack could see it so Sarah guided the owl down to the light. โ€œ Oh my gosh I was worried sick about you โ€œ Jill said to Jack, โ€œ YOU WORRIED SICK I WAS THE ONE THAT CAME BACK JUST TO FIND THAT YOU WERE MISSING SO DON’T TELL ME YOUR THE ONE THAT WAS WORRIED SICK UGHโ€ Jack said โ€œ WELL AREN’T YOU GLAD THAT I’M SAFE! โ€œ Jill said โ€œ You’re right I am sorry I am just so exhausted and I was thinking straight.โ€ Jack said โ€œ Me too โ€œ said Jill. โ€œ Oh my goodness gracious you found mate you found the light thank you thank you so muchโ€ Sarah then said, โ€œ Umm Your welcome I guessโ€ After that Jack and Jill always went together to go and get some water and Sarah went back to the UK.


The End


Key Skills For Surviving In Water ๐ŸŒŠ

Ola Bloggers,

Today I will be talking about the key skills for surviving in the ocean, water or pool. The first thing you need to know to survive in the water, ocean or a pool is how to swim. The reaosn why you need to know how to swim is because, if you know how to swim you can save yourself from drowning and you might be able to be a bit close to land so you just might be lucky enough to reach land. If you do not know how to swim then the next thing you need to know is how to float, because if you know how to float you can also save yourself from drowning but just make sure you dont drift away cause then there is nothing else to do. If anybody is with you, you both need to know how to keep warm, the first thing you both need to do is huddle up and thats it. If you are on a boat you need to know how to get off the boat safely, to get off the boat safely you need to put one arm diagonal to your shoulder and one arm holding your nose and then jump off but your back needs to be facing the water and then you just fall.

Smart searching (lesson 2) ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ’ป

Hola Bloggers,

Today we did cybersmart, for cybersmart we did our second lesson for smart researching. Todays lesson was slightly different.

The first thing we had to do was type Rebel sports, The olympics or Stan walker in to the omnibox and see what pops up. When the results came in we had to take a screenshot and label it. The second thing we had to do was look at a question, find the highlighted keywords and type it in to the omnibox. Once we did that we had to find the answer and put the answer in to the box below. The second to last thing we did was search up something and put the URL in the textbox. The lucky last thing we had to do was type up Define and then our word. When the definition of the word popped up we had to put it in the textbox.

Here are my slides:

Thank you for reading my blog good bye.

Smart Searching ๐Ÿ” ๐Ÿ’ป

Hola Bloggers,

Today for Cybersmart we were learning how to do smart researching. Technically we were learning how to make smaller sentences when we are researching so we save time. Something we had to do is type in different words and see the results that they gave us, we had to do that for a couple of slides. After we did that there was a slide saying if punctutation, order of words, capital letters and more. What we had to do was put a tick, cross or a question mark next to the section that says punctuation or order of words to see if that matters. The next thing we had to do was find the keywords from a sentence and the google it, once you found the answer you had to put the answer under the sentence and higlight the keywords.

What I enjoyed

I enjoyed taking the screenshots, because it was the easiest.

What I found challenging

Something I found challenging is finding the keywords.

Here are the slides

Thank you for reading my blog.

Have you ever done a research?If you have what did you research?


Diwali ๐Ÿช”

Hola bloggers,

The past few days we (My class and I) have been learning about Diwali. In this blog there will be things related to Diwali. I hope you enjoy this blog.

What is Diwali:

Diwlai is a Hindu festival that lasts for 5 days.

Diwali means “Row of lighted lamps” which people usually call the Festival of lights.

The festival celebrates Good over Evil: Light over Darkness

Because there are many religions on India, Diwali is celebrated in many different ways (also all over the world).


What happens before Diwali:

Spring clening houses

Before Diwali Hindus also go and send cards to there friends and family

They also go to houses and give out presents

People decorate their houses with light, lamps and candles (Diyas).


What happens during Diwali:

The actual day begins with people decorating there prayer area. They thank god for their families and wish for a gret new year with health, wealth and good luck.

The prayer are looks fetsive with lots of flowers and fruits.

After prayers, people go out around the houses to light lamps and candles.

Some diyas are colured and decorated.

After eating children go and light some fireworks,

Diwali symbolises light over darkness (Good over Evil), the start of the hindu new year is a celebration for indians of all religions around the world.

The story of Rama & Sita:

My Arts and Crafts:

Thank you for reading my blog.


Pixel Art ( ๐Ÿฉท )

Hola bloggers,

Today for cybersmart we had to pick between 3 things to do for cybersmart. The 3 things we had to pick from were doing pixel art on google sheets (The one I chose ), doing a mosaic on google drawing and drawing a minion. The reason why we had to do this is because all of them were tutorials and our teacher wanted us to follow the instructions from the tutorial/media. Something I learnt from this is how to do pixel art on google sheets.

What I enjoyed,

Something I really enjoyed from this experience is filling in the boxes.

What I found challenging:

Something I personally found challenging is selecting all the boxes and then deleting them, the reason why I found this challenging is because there was 1000 boxes and sometimes they would not delete and then I would have to start again.

Whatย  helped me learn:

Something that helped me learn was selecting the boxes and deleting them because I did not know how to do that.This was shown in the tutorial.

What did not help me learn:

Something I found not helpful to me (Personally) was when they told us how to color in the boxes because most people already know how to do that in my class.

Here is my love heart that I created,

Have you ever created pixel art on google sheets? What did you create?

Thank you for reading/visiting my blog.


Miss P’s Cooking ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿณ

Hello Bloggers,

Last term we were cooking with Miss P. In one of our sessions with Miss P we did a dinner, after we made the dinner we all had to pick a teacher to come join us, not individually but as a group. The dinner that we cooked was a creamy chicken, bean & leak traybake. The first thing we did was turn on the oven, the second thing we did was read out the instructions on the recipe. The third thing we did was assign what we were going to do. I had to cook the chicken, Pita and Khadeeja had to cut the leaks and last but not least Farangis had to do something with the beans ( I think ). While Pita and Khadeeja were cutting I think Pita almost cut his finger or something like that and then he wanted to change the job so I changed my job with him because my job was good but cutting the leaks were really fun. Ater everything was done we told the teacher to come and join us, after that we prayed and then ate. I am sorry this is short, the reason why this is short is because I do not remember that much. Sorry I cannot put a photo because I tried uploading it but it didn’t work.

Thank you for reading/visiting my blog I hope you enjoyed it.


News Article – Cybersmart ๐Ÿ“ฐ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป

Hello Bloggers,

Today for cybersmart we had to make a google darwing for a News article. For the news article we ahd to include a byline, fake advertisements, image or video, date and comments. In the cybersmart lesson we had to do 4 things. The first thing we had to do is watch a video with information about a news article, in the video they were talking about people exaggerating about what actually happened and fake advertisements. For the second activity we had to match up the headlines with the things on a news article. The third thing we had to do was make a news article. For the final activity we had to blog about everything we did today.

What I found challenging, what I found challenging is making the news article because I couldn’t find a headline.

What I found easy, what I found easy is watching the video.

Thank you for reading/visiting my blog, I hope you enjoyed it.