The greatest showman!!!

Talofa lava bloggers,

Today I will be talking about my favorite movie and why it’s my favorite movie, and all the camera angles, camera skills, the edits, the setting, the story line, lighting and the background sound\music. My favorite scene in this movie is One of the songs and the song is called” This is me”.

My favorite movie is the greatest showman. The camera angles was pretty good and so was the camera skills. The editing\cuts, well there wasn’t much cuts so I don’t think I would rate that.

This movie is a musical so there was a lot of singing and the song’s were good so I think the music was really good. The lighting was good so was the acting. The dialogue was alright but they didn’t really talk they just sang, but when they did speak it was a good like the clearness, the volume, the tone and the speed.

The acting was amazing I loved it so much, the body language and there emotions. The costume and the setting\ location was also really good. The theme of this movie is musical and drama. The storyline for this movie is this boy wanted to be a circus person and he did and it was really good but some people didn’t like it and one day the circus people and the people that was against them had a fight and the place where they performed got lit on fire, and then his buisness was not good but it eventually went up hill because he did not give up.
Thank you for reading my blog here is a photo of the movie.